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Amazon'da Drop Shipping

Drop Shipping on Amazon

Amazon Drop Shipping Policy

We've updated our Drop Shipping Policy page to provide more details about our policy and to help you comply with guidelines.

The original seller of your products  t4>as long as you another Drop Shipping company or a third party cannot be allowed to deliver orders to your customers on your behalf.

The Drop Shipping business model given below strictly prohibited:  If you violate this policy, you may lose your authorization to use Amazon's Merchant Fulfilled Network – (Amazon Merchant Network).

* The product owner and Hosting shipping orders that do not identify and identify you as a seller, including packing slips, invoices, outer packaging, or other information that indicates a seller's name or contact information other than your own.

* Buy products from another online retailer to receive and deliver this retailer directly to customers. (if the supplier does not identify you as the original seller of the product – or another company if included on the packaging on their receipts, invoices or outer packaging)

Different packaging that identifies you as a customer, not you as the original seller, but a seller whose source is not even Amazon, when they see the invoices or receipts, they may be confused about how their order is completed and who to contact in case of any problems or questions.

To complete your orders using Drop Shipping what you must do:

* With your supplier, only you (not anyone else) all packing slips, invoices, a statement that they will identify as the registered seller of your products in the outer packaging and other information included or provided in connection with the products. deal.

* Remove any packing slip, invoice, external packaging, or any other information indicating a third-party shipper before submitting the order.

* Take responsibility for accepting and managing customer returns for your products.

* Comply with all other terms of your seller agreement and applicable Amazon policies.
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