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Yaş Kısıtlamalı Ürünler - Age Restricted Products

Age Restricted Products - Age Restricted Products

Dear Seller,

Thank you for speaking with us about your Amazon selling account. As a result of recent violations of Amazon's Age Verification on Delivery (AVD) policy, your account will be temporarily deactivated in 72 hours if you do not send a plan of action addressing these violations.

Why is this happening?
You have continued shipping age-restricted products without using a permitted Age Verification on Delivery (AVD) service. As required by Amazon policy, age-restricted products must be shipped using a permitted AVD service.

Examples of age-restricted products you have shipped without using a permitted AVD service include:
Title: Run Grapefruit Knife, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, Brown , XXXXXXXXXXXXX
Restricted Product Policy: Age-restricted product not shipped with Age Verification on Delivery (AVD) service

What's next?
To continue selling on Amazon, you must submit a plan of action within 72 hours. A valid plan of action contains:

— The root cause for your violations of our Age Verification on Delivery (AVD) policy
— The specific proactive steps you have taken to prevent violations of this policy in the future

A topic that is especially popular in the UK market recently and is tightly controlled by Amazon: Age-restricted products sales

If you have received the above-mentioned e-mail, you probably listed such a product and even sold it. Well what does it mean? There are a number of measures to verify that a customer is eligible to purchase an age-restricted product on Amazon. One of these measures is to require customers to provide a name, date of birth, and address at checkout for the purchase of age-restricted products. Responsibility for this is with the seller.

So what are these products?
– Alcohol.
– Cigarettes, tobacco, hookah and other cigarette-based products.
– Fireworks – fireworks, caps, cracker snaps
– Hazardous chemicals – lighter fuel, glue, aerosols.
– Acids.
– Cutting items such as knives, saws, etc. During the delivery of the product, you must make sure that the courier company makes an identity or passport inquiry and even gets a signature from the customer for you.

I hope this article will be informative

For detailed information :

Thanks for your time.

Orçun UYAR

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