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Prohibited (Restricted) Products - Restricted Products

2,250.00TL Save
Original Price 13,000.00TL
current price 10,750.00TL
Every seller must carefully manage the inventory creation process. While creating our inventory, we may be careless and list some products that may be considered banned within the borders of the country we are listing.

Amazon scans your inventory during routine checks and suspends your infringing product listings. It also reflects your account health as a warning. If there is an increase in the number of these products, your account may be closed due to the suspension of Banned Products.

In case your account is closed, you must submit a written defense regarding the issue.

Things are out of your control, your inventory controls are incomplete and your store has been closed due to Restricted products. is it? Here, right here SUSPENDSUPPORT offers the service you need. We are here for the professional support you need.


Account openings include many factors and our suspend services depend on individual cases. It is our job to make Amazon understand that mistakes made by you as a seller are inevitable over time, but as SUSPEND SUPPORT we NEVER GUARANTEE account opening. there is none. Managing an e-commerce store is a constant risk, so we request full cooperation from our customers in matters related to our legal supply chain acquisition and defenses.

- A server is rented for your account and transactions are made from the server.
- On average, your account will be processed every 1 to 5 days.
- Server information will not be shared with you.
- Appeals or documents sent will not be shared.
- No sharing will be made regarding applied techniques.
Thank you for your understanding.